February Greetings From Jill!

Greetings from Jill!

Hello friends! This month has flown by and the slow steady cadence into 2016 has now seemed to turn into a sprint. Just last weekend, I realized that the pace I was keeping was not serving me or anyone around me and I took the opportunity to step away from "work" and "responsibilities" and enjoy some nothing time despite my long to do list. How rejuvenating this was! To have nothing to figure out, nothing that I have to do, nothing required of me but to just be and rest in presence. You would think doing this would be easy and that I would frequently indulge but I feel that the normal pace of life rarely affords this if I am not committed to my self care as much as I am are my other goals. Besides, it feels so good to "get things done" and besides I love what I do. So, a full schedule means a full life? I am not so certain of this. I am starting to realize that full is just the opposite of empty and neither can exist or be appreciated without realization of the other. 

Lately, I have been working with how I can look inside to cultivate more worthiness instead of looking at my loved ones, my work and my environment to do this for me. I realized that when I rest the power of worthiness in another's hands, on my to-do list, or my creations, all too often it doesn't come out in the ways I want, or it seems to short lived or I need even more the next time..it can be like a drug in that sense. In my exploration to take on the power of deeming worthiness as an inside job, I have found so many threads of which to untangle the ways in which my actions contradict my intention to say "you are worthy." Things like, saying yes when I am depleted or when I intuitively know I have enough on my plate; robbing myself of fun or unscheduled free time because there are too many tasks undone on my list, creating from a place of "task completion" motivation rather than inspiration and love.

All of these subtle and not so subtle choices are opportunities to show myself love and thus worthy even if I don't feel it yet. I can choose to love the self that never ceases to find things to do by resting even when my plate is full. I can love the self that feels that fun is a reward for getting my work done by having fun for the sake of fun and being spontaneous. I can love the self that needs to be perfect in my timing and task execution by patiently loving the space that I must rest in for inspiration and love to fill me again. In these ways, I say to myself, "you are worthy" even if the world, my calendar, and my mind are screaming otherwise. I can be worthy in emptiness and stillness. I can disassociate my worthiness from the one that does. I can start to act as if I am worthy because I am just the one that is and sometimes that one is busy and sometimes that one needs to rest. Sometimes that one does amazing work and sometimes all that I work for is nothing.

Through it all, I am still the one that is just breathing in and out in this moment.  If I cannot love the self I am then I cannot truly love the people and things in my life for what they truly are. I will need them to boost my confidence or fill me with whatever I need. As I become more comfortable with the stillness, the empty , the quiet, then I see that this is the fertile ground to fill up with something that only I can give. Permission to be me and to find worth in simply being. So, my inspiration is for all of us to choose to show ourselves as much love as we can and in doing so say "you are worthy." End of sentence. No qualifications necessary. 

Crow Pose Posture Clinic at Yoyo Yogi

We will explore  this often common but not easy pose. Learn how to use props, develop appropriate strength and mobility, and variations that keep your practice fun and playful. All levels welcome! Sign up at YoYoYogi

Asana Bootcamp at Yoyo Yogi

Calling all serious students and teachers! We will take 40 common postures and "nerd out" for 3 days! We will learn ways to deepen your experience of the posture in your body through the use of walls and props, explore variations of the postures, and learn common misalignments. This is part of the 500 Hour teacher training but students and teachers not in the program are welcome to attend. Take your poses into bootcamp! Sign up at YoYoYogi.

Moonwatchers Events

Moonwatchers is a community seeking self discovery through the lens of astrology. We gather to learn about the astrology of the times and how best to support ourselves and each other through the curves of life. No astrology experience needed. Here are the upcoming gatherings:

2/28 @ 3p-4:30p: The Archetypes of the Zodiac and my Sun, Moon and Rising Sign: Learn about the 12 signs of the zodiac and how they are expressed in your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign. Cost: $15 or pay what you can. 

March 1 @ 7:15p: Community Gathering: We will discuss the times we are in and allow for an open dialogue of anything on your heart and mind. Bring your chart or email me to get one!

All events are in the conference room at YoYo Yogi. More information on my website

Cannon Beach Yoga Retreat

Save the date: I will offer my 4th annual Cannon Beach Yoga Retreat this fall on September 22-25. More details soon. You can email me if you want to be receive the information personally. 

Other Services

Check of my sessions page to learn more about my astrology readings and intuitively guided readings. You can also purchase my aromatherapy products here or pick them up at YoYo Yogi. I am happy to customize a blend for your intentions. 

What is precious
inside us does not
care to be known
by the mind
in ways that diminish
its presence.

What we strive for
in perfection
is not what turns us
into the lit angel
we desire.

"A Winter of Listening" - David Whyte

Love and blessings to you all!

Jill Case


Spring Awakening


December Greetings From Jill!