The opportunity of Stuckness

“Activate your Exponential Self” Retreat

Do you ever feel like you are in the in between space?

Have you been feeling like parts of your life seem old and out of sync, yet you don’t know where you want to go?

Welcome to the Liminal Space, a place that is actually immensely rich and full of potential.

If you are there, I want you to know that I too had an extended stay and I'm here to share with you how to navigate the “Great Creative Void”.

My stay in this “in between zone” resulted from a period of loss: I lost work contracts, a relationship, my zest and drive, and my vision for what to do next.

I was flooded with anger, grief, sadness, frustration and loneliness.

I questioned my life, my decisions, and my capability.

I had nothing but questions and yet the more those questions arose the deeper I sunk into the mud of my stuckness.

I tried to motivate myself, to exercise it out, to try harder and eventually my exhausted self realized that I was simply treading water.

I was unmotivated and annoyed at life and anyone that had something positive to say like “You always land on your feet” or “Better things are on the horizon”.

I also resented any thought of being grateful. I was not where I wanted to be and it didn’t seem like anything would work to get me out.

After fighting reality for some time, I decided to try a completely new approach: To allow and choose to be where I was, in the Liminal Space.

I allowed myself to be where I was without resistance.

The more I turned towards what I felt the more I could be in my body and my experience more fully instead of feeling like an outsider observing my state.

I inadvertently realized that this is what trust and acceptance felt like when I extended this to myself.

Like a giant wave, I allowed this time to break me down in whatever way that was wanting to happen.

In my case it was my “flushing out all my knowings” until I could make peace with the fact that I did not know what was next.

This is a huge distinction. Can you feel it? It's one thing to think we "should know what to do and what is next" while experiencing the fact that we do not, and another to fully admit and choose to be where we are in the place of not knowing with full acceptance.

The latter allows you to arrive where you are in total transparency and in a oneness. It is powerful beyond measure.

There is a rich, embodied presence in the space if we can drop in. And in that presence, I found some peace. Not because I had a plan or figured out the why, but because all of me was where I was, and I didn’t leave myself there alone and fractured, with some parts in the past, some in the future, and few parts here in the present. I was fully there.

Through this presence, I found the most potent ways and tools to help me navigate this highly agitating time.

And I'm ready to share them with you. Want to explore together?

If you find yourself in the in-between void space, I will help you learn how to surrender and honor this profound time of re-stabilization and attunement.

The “Activate your Exponential Self” Retreat, happening in April, 2024 is an opportunity for you to deeply listen and learn more about who you are in this moment and what you need.

The liminal space is not the most comfortable, but it is a space of unwinding, healing, and restoration. And what better place to incubate this space than majestic Hawaii, with its sacred medicinal frequency and the most breathtaking natural scenery .

Say yes to the Liminal Space and allow me to guide you to reach into your “inner mud” and find your beauty & Genius... it's in there.... the lotus would agree.

Our time together will blend practical tools, wisdom teachings (supported by science, evidence and nature), astrology, coaching, and guidance on how to tune into your own voice of truth.

We will work with your intentions on all levels (mind/body, emotional and spiritual) and alchemize all into pure gold!

You will walk away feeling mentally, emotionally, and soulfully rejuvenated, confident and clear about the right resources and steps to allow you to navigate towards your new landscape.

You will feel connected to yourself in the most expansive yet grounded way.

There are only 4 spots. Claim yours!

I invite you to read all about it here and check in with your whole being to see if this is something that would serve as the foundation for the next stages of your life and the expansion of the Genius Self that is being nurtured right now in The Void.

Let's walk this path together my friend.

With Love, Jill


“Sacred space is by definition liminal space. Because we are not in control and not the center, something genuinely new can happen. True sacred space allows alternative consciousness to emerge.” ~Richard Rohr


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