The Most Important Moment of your Day

The first 20 minutes of your day is your power zone for allowing your Genius Self to set the creative direction for your life.

This is because your subconscious mind is most impressionable during this time.

Take a second to check-in... How are you spending the first 20 minutes of your day?

One of the most significant shifts that I have made in my time and energy begins at, you guessed it, the beginning of my day.

I know It can be all too easy to immediately grab your cell phone and scroll, read emails or look at your to do list...I've been there.

When you really want to move towards the Genius that it is you, being intentional with where and how you direct your energy is essential.

I want to invite you to a short, simple and powerful practice that will immediately allow you to be intentional with the energy you want to carry forward: The 5-3-1 practice.

Instead of allowing outside influences to fracture your attention and emotional state, and tell you what to think and feel, take ownership of your attention and decide how you want your day to look and feel like and step into creator mode.

Remember genius people (that's you!) know that we are always creating and prefer to create consciously and powerfully! How we do anything is how we do everything so even the simple routines we have in the morning make a difference.

This day-shifting morning practice can easily be done in a few minutes. Think of this an the investment in your exponential self’s future.

Do it immediately upon waking, before getting out of bed or touching any technology (no cheating!)

5-3-1 Practice: Listen to the guided practice HERE

  • 5: Start with 5 deep breaths. Try to feel your lower ribs and lower stomach fill with breath as you count to 4 or 6. As you exhale, feel yourself slowly and fully releasing the breath from the lower, mid and upper lungs. I like to imagine breathing in a quality like peace, inspiration, focus or receptivity and breathing out aspects like tension, stress, worry or busyness. Try to keep your attention focused on your body and the sensation of consciously breathing. Breathing has so many wonderful effects on the body but namely it calms the nervous system. Where as looking at our phones can invoke stress and worry and trip your sympathetic nervous system.

  • 3: Name, visualize, and feel 3 things that you are grateful for in this moment. Take your time in choosing people, locations or situations that you can get an emotional tone of gratitude with instead of things you think you “should” be grateful for. Your pet, that upcoming vacation, or a loved one, for instance. I like to challenge myself to choose new things each day when I can. As you name each item, visualize it and feel the emotion of love, appreciation and gratitude in your heart. Say “thank you” for each one. Take your time. This practice supports heart and mind coherence which leads to positive impacts on your health, your creativity and your thoughts.

  • 1: What is your intention for today? It can be to focus to efficiently complete a project with ease, or maybe to move through your day with awareness of how you are feeling, to be more kind with your internal dialogue, or bring more patience with your kids, partner or work colleagues. Whatever you choose, take time to strengthen your visualization muscle and see and feel yourself moving through your day living out this intention. How do you want to feel executing this intention? When we visualize and add emotion, we energize these intentions and create neural pathways that allow it to feel easier to actually do because the body has felt it into being.

    The momentum has already begun!

That is it! Easy to do right?

Notice how you feel after this practice. Take a second to record the effects. This helps us notice even the smallest shifts that quickly build momentum.

Some shifts I find are that I have more positive thoughts and ideas about my day, I have more patience when driving in traffic, and I feel less rushed and distracted in the mornings which leads to a more easeful day.

Some days, powerful intuitive insights come after setting my day. I noticed a dramatic difference if I ever skipped a day, so I hardly ever miss a day. It simply isn’t worth the cost of not doing it.

I have since extended my morning practice to include other practices such longer sessions of breath work, tea ceremony, yoga, essential oils, journaling and visualization to name a few.

The results are life-altering for sure!

I will continue to share some of these tools with you. So stay tuned!

Try this out and let me know what effects it has for you.

I can picture you already, one morning at a time allowing more of your Genius Self to arise!

With Love, Jill


“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

– Peter Drucker


There are only 4 spots for the “Activate Your Exponential Self Retreat” in a Luxurious private sanctuary for a nourishing and expansive experience.

I invite you to read all about it here, check in with your whole being and decide if this is the place you need to be in April… Hawaii awaits you!

Conscious Movement, Impactful Coaching Sessions for business and life, Genius roadmap creation, Subconscious & Spiritual Work, Powerful Activations, and so much more!

This is for me, take me to check-out!

Let's walk this path together my friend.


Are you in an Activation Period?


The opportunity of Stuckness