The 3 Obstacles that are keeping your desires out of reach: And how to move through them

 Watch my video on this topic 

Hey friends!

I have a question for you. How intimate are you with your deepest desires and dreams? When I asked myself this question six months ago, the answer surprised me. If you are here I know that there's a leaper inside you that needs to hear this. So just take a few minutes for yourself to receive.

Often we don’t take the time to truly nurture our relationship with our desires because of the roadblocks our mind instantly creates when we start to uncover them. Understanding the struggles of the mind help get us ready to move through them when the time comes.

And the time has come my friend.

These are three of the most common obstacles that even the most exceptional leaders have faced, and today I'm sharing with you some of my personal experiences and perspectives to move through these obstacles with ease.

The 3 obstacles that are keeping your desires out of reach:

1. Money: My personal invitation to my “genius self” arose from a desire to work with a mentor whom I knew would help me make monumental shifts to reach my next level. This opportunity came with a price tag that literally took my breath away. My first thought was "I can't afford that," and I can bet that this thought, much like mine, has crossed your mind many times when faced with a big opportunity, hindering you from moving forward.

2. Time: "I don't have time". Did you know that 80% of the things that fill our day are not helping us move towards the place we really want to be? Most of what fills our day are distractions and external drivers that are creating more of the same and can even be draining our creative energy.

3. Doubt: "How do I know this is going to work?" "I don't know how to do this, get this, be this…" Thinking that I needed certainty before taking a new step kept me immobilized. Waiting for reassurances kept me in my same holding patterns.

How do we move through these obstacles?

Choose to act out your desired story (rather than habitually reinforcing the old story) by taking steps towards what you desire: Act as if you already are this new version of you living out your desire! What different steps would you take if you already had that new job, relationship or if you did take that class or trip?

- Taking the leap. I said “yes” to my mentor, and it ended up being my “ticket for entry” into a new paradigm to money and my desires. The resources for this decision showed up after I aligned with my decision and made the leap. The stream of changes in my life that happened after that was nothing short of miraculous.

- Making the time. When I began creating space for and prioritizing the things I actually desired, my life reoriented itself. Clarity emerged, and I realized that the majority of the things filling up my day weren't really taking me anywhere I wanted to be. Time became another “ticket for entry” into this new way of being where I feel more abundant with my time and where I spend it and surprisingly I have more energy too.

- Trusting. If something is of our true creative genius, of the new frontier, we can't know it already because it hasn't been thought of yet! The truth is, we don't have to know. All we have to do is stay connected to our desires and follow the next aligned step. And the more open we are to taking these steps, the more internal guidance we have access to so the easier it is to take that step because the people, the resources and opportunities start to shown up because our energy is aligned with the greater part of ourselves. We become one with the creative flow.

The beautiful part is that all of this can be learned and applied faster than you may think. The question is, can you commit to the practice? Each day, can you take one step in the direction of your desire even if it simply to be honest and name what that desire is? This has been my commitment thus far and wow, the changes that are unfolding are quite profound.

I truly hope this helps you honor who you really are and what you came here to experience & create.

Let's leap together friends!

Love, Jill

Let's Connect!

Desire is the most natural and primal call to action…and acknowledging our truest desires is the simplest way to show ourselves love and cultivate trust with our internal guidance.


The opportunity of Stuckness


Will you take the leap with me?