Are you in an Activation Period?

Spring Equinox Event in Person

“Activate your Exponential Self” Retreat

Find out if you are in an Activation Period

+ 2 ways to survive and thrive


First of all, what is an Activation?

Activations are invitations to the creative new frontier of your emerging self.

Do you ever find yourself in a space where you feel like life is pushing you towards a new direction but you don’t quite know what is next or how to get there?

Maybe you are even a willing participant, but feel like you are driving without your GPS?

I call these “activation periods”.

We are in one collectively!

And some of you, individually, are in one too.

Activations are not always very welcoming or exciting, per se. They come in a variety of disguises.

But these are exciting times of learning and growth inviting us to retire old ways of being and upgrade (like new ios software updates).

I’ve experienced “activation periods” in different moments of my life, here are a few examples to help you spot them in your own experience.

I will also share the best ways to come out the other side with more grace and strength.

- Loss: is one of the most profound activators in our lives. It may seem the opposite, as when loss shows up we often experience the deep well of grief which takes us down the emotional ladder quickly. But in these moments when life seems to "take away” the very things we want to keep, a new path, person, decision, action starts to draw us into new experiences, revelations and fresh awareness... if we give it time.

I often felt like I was “being forced to grow” during my loss periods but I have come to understand that I was actually stepping closer to the alignment with my desires.

Maybe we never receive the why or the reason, especially when loss involves the death of a loved one. None the less, we are never the same and that is an activation…an invitation to a new way.

- Newness: Something new entering your life... a new talent or interest, a new love, job or something else that you unexpectedly have welcomed in. In these moments, we are asked to receive the joy of this new arrival and all it brings along. Travel and experiencing new environments always activates new desires and stirs me in unforeseen ways.

As generous as this new element is, whatever it may be, it still requires us to change and learn new ways to relate to an altered reality, and so we expand.

A few years ago I devoted a lot of study towards emotional intelligence and it forever changed the type of consulting and coaching work I now offer.

- Choice: Self-development is another way in which activations are triggered. We make decisions—perhaps we go back to school, dedicate time to studying a particular topic, or choose to work with a coach, therapist, or healer who pushes us out of our comfort zone and into the unknown. We may believe we know where we are headed, but inevitably the process takes its own path, and we are activated into a new way of being in our lives.

Working with my mentor has been this type of activation, where I have shattered many mental paradigms that was holding me back from my potential. I am not sure I would have recognized these limitations if it weren’t for the mirroring that occurs when we allow others to reflect intimately with us.

- Physical difficulties: You may have heard the phrase "the body keeps score" which refers to the idea that old emotional baggage can be stored within the body, manifesting itself in the form of pain. Oftentimes, when we are ready to grow and evolve, pain emerges as a teacher in our journey to the next level of being. We must learn better ways to care for our bodies, and we ultimately end up changing our daily routines due to any physical limitations our bodies may present, leading us down new paths.

Did you check any boxes here?

So, how do you navigate activation periods in a productive way?

  • Choose to say yes: If we can recognize this as a period for growth and and invitation to open, then we become allies and creators within the change rather than resistors, and we suffer far less. Saying yes does not mean you have all the answers; quite the opposite, it means you agree to be curious and open to being led in new ways. You submit to not knowing and learn as you go. If you are experiencing loss or physical activations, this can be more difficult, but still, the choice is the same. We can choose to accept something and still not necessarily find it enjoyable or comprehensible. The act of choosing simply helps us align with the greater intelligence at the wheel faster so that we can take the next best step towards wherever we are being led.

  • Get support: Through my many activations, I have leaned on the support of many amazing people, practices, and animals (thanks kitty cats) to fortify my passage. During the loss of my marriage, I committed to practicing Kundalini yoga daily for two years without missing a day. This practice, paired with my emotional intelligence coach, literally saved me. I have also worked with various types of healers, coaches, and therapists. They all gifted me the ability to see through different lenses with which to relate to my experiences. This is crucial when you are dealing with fear and uncertainty, and even when you are love struck!

My dear friend, if you are being activated, I encourage you to make the decision to honor this profound moment.

When you do, you become a co-conspirator into what is being born, rather than a victim of the circumstances.

I am here to remind you that you can decide to align with the moment you are in, and trust yourself. That you can open your heart, with curiosity and profound devotion, to what your deep desires are calling into being.

I just want you to know that this is not "all for nothing", trust me.

And that when you feel ready, I'll be here to support your journey.

With Love, Jill

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”

~John Maxwell


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