The Milestone we have Lost: Rite of Passage

Spring Equinox Event-In person

“Activate your Exponential Self” Retreat


It is time to claim what is ready for you!

Receive this invitation from my heart to yours


This was my Rite of Passage group in 2014

Rites of Passage are "a natural and necessary part of a community, just as arms and legs are natural and necessary extensions of the human body"

Arnold van Gennep

See my invitation below..

Throughout history, rites of passage have played a crucial role in the social, cultural, and spiritual development of societies around the world.

They often serve common purposes such as marking important life transitions, reinforcing social norms and values, and fostering a sense of community and belonging.

Ancient civilizations, indigenous cultures, and religious traditions have fostered and held rites of passage since the beginning of time.

These rituals have a potent effect on both our psyche, our bodies, our energy, and the entire way we experience ourselves before and after. I experienced my first “Rite of Passage” 10 years ago and the ripple of changes that this time commenced was unfathomable to me at that time. Even a decade later, I am still in awe and complete gratitude of the significance of that time. The support of those 11 people (all strangers), the healing of being seen, and the space that was held for me to step up in my life…powerful beyond words.

So, just as we celebrate graduation ceremonies, weddings, and funerals, shouldn't we also be holding space for our deep inner transitions?

For the birth of the next levels of our Genius Self?

This is my invitation!

For you to honor the high significance of your personal journey and be willing to undergo all of the rites that your transformation requires, as van Gennep described:

- The rites of Separation from a previous world: This is you coming to Hawaii with me, away from your known world, into the most luxurious and expansive container. Leaving the familiar and known helps allow us space to express, feel and be seen differently.

- The rites of Transition: This is us going through Coaching sessions, Playshops, Bodywork, intuitive guidance allow the changes to catalyze on many different layers of your body so that you can integrate the changes into your whole being.

- The rites of Incorporation into the new world: This is you in the final "Activation Ceremony", stepping unshakably into what you want to be and create in your life. Ceremony is a powerful way to allow community to hold you, celebrate you and hold you accountable to the changes you are committing to in order to honor your desires. Physically activating the new you allows it to feel “real” and visceral.

We have forgotten how important this milestone is. It is where we find the life force to move from where we are to where we want to go.

Come and experience it! Invest in yourself like never before and you will forever be changed.

I’m with you every step friends,


“Every positive change - every jump to a higher level of energy and awareness - involves a rite of passage. Each time to ascend to a higher rung on the ladder of personal evolution, we must go through a period of discomfort, of initiation. I have never found an exception.”

~Dan Millman


Genius Level Multi-tasking


Are you in an Activation Period?