Being Exponential in Real time

As you are refining the art of listening to your desires, you learn to dance between taking action towards them and pausing to reconnect so you can expand with them.

This can feel like a clumsy dance at times, but you are learning!

In following your desires, you will shoot out many arrows, many of which do not reach a target.

The process is not about perfection ( nailing the bullseye). It's about the progress you make in listening and re-aligning over and over again.

After all, part of the gift of our desires is the process of clarification around what we truly want, and we can’t always know this until we get some data.

This just happened to me.

I received a desire to lead a retreat in April and I took action.

Recently I felt an unexpected shift. I could feel that something had changed within my desire, and so I paused and listened, to allow the clarity to come.

I learned that how I desire to teach and share this information is being updated. And it really doesn’t matter why or how it shifted. What matters is that I can adapt to my desire rather than continue to push forward to “save face”, not “waste my effort”, or stay attached to the outcome I thought I wanted.

Surrendering to the process of our desires is a crucial part of this process.

If we are to be present with the leading edge of our desire then we cannot dig our heels in; if we do, we cut off from the creative unfolding.

This does not mean we don’t commit or act with confidence or certainty. It truly does not have to be a polarized “all or nothing” mindset. Isn't that a relief?!

You can simply deal with what you know and feel, until you know and feel something different. Then you become less fixed and more relaxed in the mysterious ways your journey will unfold.

The result is that you stop looking at your actions as successful or failed attempts.

You start looking at them as possibilities and trusting that the most aligned possibility is always what is available as you navigate and update the route.

Something that I find helpful is shifting how I measure my progress.

In the past, I would’ve said "My goal is to have x# people sign up for this retreat, and achieving that would mean I succeeded". The problem is that that really locks me into a result that has one indicator of success and a limited view of evaluating what is occurring along the way.

If the signs ups don’t occur as I wanted does that equal not succeeding?

What if instead I look at the success I have in showing up for my desire each day around this goal?

So for me, it was showing up each day to either write an article, film a video, plan parts of the many possibilities!

And I was so successful in my attempts that I actually allowed me to expand the possibilities for how I can present the material, which I believe will benefit both myself and my participants.

If I had stayed fixed on my sign-ups, I would have been locked into something that is not resonant with my evolving desire.

Again, this doesn’t mean we don’t have a result in mind, we just hold it loosely and look for evidence of success in how we show up for the root of the desire, which for me is this desire to share something meaningful & effective.

Remember that collectively we have been conditioned to set material-based or physical goals (such as money, results, and tangible factors) and to stick to them no matter what. This means that some part of our process is stagnant and not allowed to expand.

To ignore desires and impulses that we believe have no relevance to our goal or to our perception of how our result will happen.

We believe that we can only feel good if we get the result.

This is the old way!

The new genius way is to get to the root of what we desire and follow it step by step, with actions that excite us and bring us joy in the now. This is part of what being Exponential means. Allowing the process to expand and grow beyond what we knew when we first recognized the desire.

We hold the target as a direction setting marker and not the end all be all.

We measure our success by the level of intimacy we are having with our current desire, giving it plenty of space to grow, shift and change course. Because when we do, we get what we really want and not what we thought we wanted.

Often times we can only make this discovery through the non linear process of experimentation.
This is why desires are not mental. The mind wants a road map and the fire of our desires wants discovery, experiences of joy, fulfillment and excitement in the now!

Your desires are teaching you to feel into your experiences with all your being, not just logic.

So, my friend, if you feel amiss at why your arrows are not landing, rest your bow for a moment, pause and listen. Tune into your desires and start again.

And if you find you want greater support in finding your thread, but you cannot attend the April retreat, you can explore my redesigned and expanded “Activate your Exponential Self” Journey.

Reply to this emails with the word “Exponential” to get more details!

With Love, Jill

“It is not what we don’t know that holds us back but rather what we know too well and are unwilling to let go or grow.”


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