Dear Sky...questions for the astrology of the times 4/8/2020

My intention behind “Dear Sky” is to provide a way to interact more with my community using the current astrology of the times. How does it work? You submit any question that you wish to have answered to me via email or private message on Facebook, and I answer your questions based on the current astrology of the times. Note,  this is not synonymous to reading your personal astrological birth chart which contains information specific to you. I hope this is a fun way for you to learn more astrology and to uncover the impact that the collective astrological events have on our own personal lives. 

Dear Sky,

Will I get married again?


Dear DM,

As much as I wish I could tell the future and give you a simple “yes” or “no”,, astrology can’t tell you for certain about events in the future.  I liken astrology to being a roadmap to a long distance road trip. There are many ways to get to your final destination, assuming you have a place in mind. There are also endless pit stops and detours that you may decide to take as well that will add time and character to your journey. There is not a “right” path to take but there are ideal paths that take you there quicker, and avoid unnecessary tolls and construction that will delay your trip and detract from the kind of experience you want in this journey. . Your  intention is powerful in the “how” to construct your itinerary but so are your natural tendencies and personality. So, short answer is I don’t know. Perhaps, may I suggest a different question?

What if we explored, Do I want to get married? And if so, what kind of partner do I want? Astrology  can speak to themes in your life that affect relationships and what attributes in a partner would be synergistic for you. We are in a solar theme of Aries, the time of being connected with intention and what we truly want. So the first question to answer is do you want to get married? This is a powerful time of knowing what we want and aligning our choices to match our desires. This is a call to action.  If you want a partner, how are you making choices that support you meeting potential partners. Currently, Venus is in Gemini. So relationally, we may feel an urge to network, communicate and learn. Perhaps this is a good time to be learning about what you want in a partner from what your experience has taught you (maybe even what went wrong in the past), and what you see in your reality in the form of qualities you see in friends. Perhaps this is a good time to be more active in social media, to make more phone calls, and to be open to virtual events where you can meet people. If you are in a relationship, it may be a good time to talk about how you can improve the relationship and the goals each of you have for the relationship. It can also be a good time to learn better relationship skills by taking an online class or reading a book. Be curious about your desires right now? Also, be fresh with how you go about attracting your future mate, sometimes we meet them in the most unexpected avenues. Also, remember that small steps add up so even small acts on your desires are powerful..especially now! Make room for your mate by eliminating anything in the way..especially your beliefs about a remarriage (those limiting beliefs are equally as powerful). Hope this helps! Thank you for your question! Happy hunting!


Dear Sky, I have a new grand daughter that was born in late February. What is the theme of her life? Her talents?


Dear DW,

Congrats to you! What a powerful being to be born in this pivotal time in our world’s history! This alone tells us that this little one must have a purpose to want to be a part of all of this change and transformation! In the personal birth chart, we can learn more specifically about your grand daughter.  We do know she is a Pisces by sun sign as her birthdate is late in February. The sun sign reveals the creative essence of a person, their values and aspects that determine who they are at their core. Pisces are by nature, very intuitive, creative and the dreamers of our time. They can be the voices of the collective as no sign is more in touch with how we all feel.  Our dreams are the predecessors to our reality. So, in symbol she is the coming of the new. We are in the Aries solar cycle, and this cycle represents the new growth...spring and the creative impulse. A baby is a great symbol of a new way of being, and of new life. We are all certainly experiencing a new way of being. Aries is also associated with the Warrior, the Pioneer. In order to go into the new, someone has to go first and lead us there. We need brave souls to show us the way, a different way. We need dreamers to dream a new reality, one that can repair and mend what has been broken in the reality of today. Pisces is also about unifying and dissolving separation. Her sign’s ruler Neptune is in Pisces along with Mercury, the planet of communication. So dreams are so important, and what we think is what we are creating. We certainly can use some unity now, some inspiration and more than ever some compassion and love. All aspects that Pisces knows well. The new paradigm must be one of more of these qualities if we are to be sustainable and to heal from this epidemic. I suspect your grand daughter will be part of those leaders that teach us a new way, the way of love, compassion and unity. 

I would believe your grand daughter to be a “way shower”. Her strengths of intuition, creativity and  connection to the collective will be instrumental as we all heal and bring the dreams of a more loving world into reality. Bless her life!


Dear Sky,

Where am I meant to do my social work?



What an exciting time to be serving humanity! When we explore service, we can look at the archetype of Virgo and the 6th house for qualities about the environment and how we serve. At the time of your question, Capricorn is in the 6th house. There is a lot of action within the Capricorn archetype with Pluto and Jupiter there causing quite a lot of transformation and deconstruction in some outdated beliefs that are not working.  Saturn (Capricorn’s ruler) is in the sign of Aquarius, asking us for more sustainable efforts and commitments to structures that support society and allow us to evolve. This is happening globally so the world is your oyster. This is a very inventive time for us to explore doing it differently. Inventors and the change agents are needed. Especially those that are willing to be brave to share new ideas and creative solutions that may appear a little odd.  We can all be change agents in our own ways when we honor who we are and what we can do to answer the call to action. The Sun in Aries guides us back to our desires and asks us for bold choices for what we want overcoming the fears that stop us from those actions. So, perhaps a precursor to your question may involve ensuring that you know what you desire in your work and how your talents and gifts can best answer the call to action of our times. Ensuring that it also serves your heart and your longings will allow you to make the best match. You don’t have to sacrifice what you desire to serve, in fact it can enhance your service the more it feels sustainable and aligned with your personal intentions.  If that is a go, then where do you want to go? Imagine it and what you can sense about where you can see your impact. Your intention is also powerful. If you are open minded then with Mars in aquarius, expect the unexpected and shake ups. Hold firm the parts you are in touch with knowing and let the rest come to you through the right environment to find you. This is a time to be in touch with your intuition and let yourself be led there. If it feels hard and confusing, wait until you feel it. You will know as you will feel it in your core. The world needs people like you willing to answer the call...thank you!



Dear Sky...questions for the astrology of the times 4/12/2020


Relearning how to Be