Stoke your Digestion to Improve your Immunity

Have you ever heard the health of your body is found in your gut? Well, it is true! Supporting your digestion not only helps you feel more energized but it actually supports your overall health and well being!

My favorite ways to stoke your digestive fire:

  1. Drink fresh ginger tea before/in between/during meals

I take fresh ginger root and peel it and then slice/dice it. I take about 1 T and seep it in hot water until I get the concentration that I like. I have even made a more concentrated form and then added fresh water and placed that in my water bottle all day. Ginger is a great digestive aid as well as it can thin and clear mucus in the body. You can even buy ginger tinctures to take orally if you don’t like messing with fresh herbs.

  1. Increase your garlic and ginger intake in your cooking. Garlic is known to support  elimination of harmful bacteria. Both of these increase your digestive fire, clear toxins and improve your immunity.

  2. Drink Bone broth. My favorite variety is Tumeric Ginger made by Kettle and Fire.  Bone broth is thought to reduce inflammation and heal the gut. It is also packed with protein.

  3.  Exercise!  Daily exercise can keep things moving and is a great way to release stress! Walking after meals even for only 5 minutes can help with bloating and indigestion. I always like twists and core focused exercises like planks to stoke digestion. Never underestimate the effect of getting some fresh air whenever possible during your exercise.

  4. Drink hot lemon water before your first meal. This is an ayurvedic practice that I adore. It is said to help flush toxins in the body. For me it is also a great way to start the day feeling hydrated and energized (before coffee or food). 

  5. My new favorite plant allies are mushrooms which are prebiotics for the microbiome in the gut! They can help augment the beneficial bacteria in your digestive system. Reishi and Turkey Tail support immune health. I love Paul Stamets tinctures as I get a more concentrated variety in a liquid form. You can also buy his products and others locally at New Seasons if you live in Portland. I swear by the shrooms. I also love them for their positive effects on mental health!

  6. Use essential oils! I have an essential oil blend called “Agni” which I designed to support your digestive fire both physically and energetically. You can apply this directly to your abdominal region.  The following oils are great to aid in digestion and support digestive unrest like gas, bloating, indigestion: Peppermint, Fennel, Anise, Ginger are my favorites. Go for smell..pick what you are  drawn to at the moment. 

  7. Get plenty of sleep. Although you may wonder how this affects digestion, I will offer this ever notice when you are sleep deprived that you crave not so healthy foods and that you may tend to snack more. You may even notice that being sleep deprived affects your emotional balance. Sleep affects us possibly more than any other factor in our health so get your ZZZ’s. Research has shown that even if you have trouble sleeping. Laying with your eyes closed for extended durations still has positive effects.

  8. Tension Tamer Block Release: Lay on a yoga block or  a tightly rolled blanket right for 5 minutes. You will place the block in the soft belly region. This can help release tension in the  abdominal region. It can be intense so only stay as long as you can breathe deeply.  See below for a video of this practice.

  9. Breath of Fire exercise: This is a breathing exercise which fires up your abdominal muscles and gives you a little heat. You will breathe in and out through your nose quickly. I like to say it is like “shooing a fly with your breathe out”. You will breathe in quickly and easefully and then breath out quickly and forcefully using your abdominal muscles. Imagine pressing stale energy out of your body with each exhale! See below for a video of this practice.

I hope these practices can help you!


Springtime Greetings


Illuminating the "Fire" Element through astrology