Remove the obstacles, and become exponential.

Step into the next stage of your life by curating yourself as the masterpiece you are meant to be.

Embrace your Genius Self and prepare for what lies ahead:
a life of Expansion, Joy, Purpose, and Freedom.


Welcome to the
Genius Self Living!

Before your amazing brain begins to misinterpret or reject the concept of "genius" as merely an intellectual capacity, let me clarify that in this corner of the universe, the concept of Genius is revered in its highest expression and frequency.

It is the new paradigm of living in the zone of expert-level creativity that thrives on joy, fulfillment, and inspiration, and is led by intrinsic desire.

A possibility for those ready to filter out the obstacles, in the form of distractions, fluff, meaningless busyness, and noise, to operate at a high level of strategic decision-making based on clarity of TRUTH and WISDOM; a blend of creative intuitive guidance and the mind’s intelligence in an embodied presence.

In your Genius Self you will learn how to lead others by living at a higher frequency of resonance. 

I will help you connect with yourself in such a way that your infinite potential has no other option but to emerge and open your eyes, thereby granting you access to all the available possibilities at the edge of the new frontier of your leadership.

Obstacles prevent you from seeing your true potential and halt exploration of new pathways before the first step is even taken.



It's time to explore the possibilities that emerge when you decide to take a different course of action.

I’m ready to awaken my Genius Self→


When you can't see, you're unlikely to move. What is at stake in your business, and life for that matter, if you decide to keep clicking “replay”?

I’m ready to remove the obstacles→
Check any boxes below you can recognize yourself in.

Truth time!


Make it stand out.

 Hello, there 

I am the Remover of Obstacles and Soul Alchemist

I spent many years of my career ascending the corporate ladder through management. 

I was first introduced to team-based leadership over 20 years ago. My company wanted to do things differently and this was one of the most gratifying and expansive times in my development. We successfully designed an organizational structure where front-line employees were empowered to manage their lines as well as their schedules and promotions. We called our supervisors “coaches”. This is where I learned the difference between leadership and management and it forever changed me.

After many years in consulting, I launched my firm and decided to focus my work on what I had identified as the missing link in every case I had worked on: people.

Alongside all this experience, I developed a career as an astrologer, yoga, and mindfulness teacher. I have worked with many coaches to support me in my journey toward my Genius Self-Living.

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Let’s have a talk! 

Why wait for a crisis to finally decide to break the cycle of inertia when you already know for sure that something needs to change?

I’m ready to make a change→