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July 13th Astrological Horoscope: "Small Steps are still Progress"

What has been going on?

We begin this week with some noticeable forward momentum as mercury is direct in cancer. Although Mercury will not be back to where it began its retrograde cycle(14 degrees Cancer) until July 27th we can give more credence to the ideas and plans that arise. The last few weeks have been a lot of emotional clearing and “deleting of old programming”. You may have felt a lot of old wounds resurface for you to release in order to move forward.  Or, maybe the baggage was mental and you had to create some space to rethink intentions and plans that you previously had made as they didn’t feel like they resonated with the deeper parts of you any longer. Sometimes we can feel lost and dumbfounded when nothing feels right.  The old feels outdated and a thing of the past and the new feels all too unfamiliar to get a read on. I laugh at how much I say I seek freedom and then when I get it I feel at odds with what to do with it! I have noticed a strong desire to make some big changes and yet no ideas for what or how to do that. I feel this last mercury retrograde cycle was not really about understanding or managing the hows but surrendering into this process of “rebooting” and letting ourselves get more comfortable not knowing and trusting none the less. Sometimes we have to get to the end of our knowing in order to open to what wants to be learned. Freedom is truly derived from the space from what we habitually do

What to expect this week?

 No matter what your experience, this month of “personal rebooting” is starting to turn a corner. Like when we get a new phone or computer, we often feel a little awkward and slow as we get to know the new operations. But, after the clearing process, we are ready to begin “playing” with these new downloads in our life through experimentation and trial and error. We will be asked to hold some space for two polarities to exist. With 4 planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune) still in retrograde helping us restructure and rebuild our foundations and systems the Sun opposing 3 of these planets this week will ask that we continue to work with this restructuring as it is not over. These new ways are not yet integrated and like new sod, will take some time to fully anchor in. These ways have been around for a while and so as fast and efficient as we wish change and total overhauls to be, they often take longer than we think. That does not mean that we will not see palpable evidence of progress and be able to get a taste of some new freedoms being born from liberating ourselves from that which has been holding us back for so long. It just means that patience and holding fast to our dreams of what could be will be tested at times when we feel the weight of what is being demolished and the chaos that ensues. Remember this is happening on a global scale and so while you may feel the speed and progress of your efforts more rapidly, the rest of the world will be slower to respond and may at times panic in this organized chaos. This week with Mars and Chiron colliding in Aries our actions can come from our wounds and fear or from the courage to try out the new that is calling us forward.  Not everyone will choose courage, but we can!

So what do we do to work with all this? 

We take small movements in the direction that feels like it is anchored in what feels true for us now in this moment. We listen and follow those new instincts and intuitive directions that feel like they give us time and space to try things out. Since we take micro actions, we let ourselves go in new directions and learn from where these actions take us. We can mess up, we can “ not know” how it will work out but we move forward with one tiny step at a time. The moon this week will be aspecting Uranus, Venus, the North Node and Mercury..all providing some energy to just “play with life”. Notice how these actions make you feel. Instead of focusing on the long term results and the old ways of measuring progress, the new measure is how does it affect my joy factor, my pleasure of doing it, my sense of freedom to explore, my body, my values? ...those internal measures of success. Remember we are still in Cancer season and these times are more personal and internal! The Mars and Chiron energy can overly excite the nervous system, so this is a time to keep anchored in your daily practices that help you manage your stress. For me daily movement, quiet time in reflection, meditation and breathwork are life savers and often in this order!  Being in nature can also calm your spirit. We don’t have to “do” as a means to an end but we can allow our actions to satiate a greater hunger...who we are ready to become! Think less about roles and titles but traits and behaviors..this is a great time to envision how the “emerging you” wants to live their life in each moment and how that will feel!

By the end of this week you will have a chance to get more clear on what intentional seeds you are ready to plant for the 2nd new moon in Cancer on July 20th!

Support Practices for the week:

Join me for weekly Zoom yoga classes! Check out my schedule here.

I think a regular movement ritual is so important right now to dissipate some of the stress and nervous energy that comes with trying new things while witnessing the old stuff being released. So if you can't get to class or you want some additional practices I recommend these from my youtube channel:

Yoga for "Bringing in the new" (previous Spring Equinox class)

Yoga for the Shoulders

Get "free" with Shoulder Binds

Energy Technique/Tip for the week:

I want to share a technique I learned a few years ago that I loved from my friend Robin. In this short video you will learn how to "tap". You can use this for any emotions you feel or for any state you find yourself in. You can do it in the car or in the shower..anywhere. This would be a great practice this week!!

Aromatherapy Tip for the week: You can purchase my aromatherapy here.

"Courage"-this is my aromatherapy blend that is great for cultivating the courage to go after what you desire with confidence and connection to your truth. Think about the "warrior spirit" in bottle. Spray with intention.

"Agni"-my roll on oil blend can help do the same but it can also support digestive health. Place on your solar plexus with intention. 

If you enjoy single use oils..go for peppermint this week. It helps us download new programming in our brain. :)

July 4

Full Moon in Capricorn/Lunar Eclipse "Taking our SELF Seriously"

July 20

New Moon in Cancer Weekly Horoscope: " Showing Up"