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New Moon in Cancer Weekly Horoscope: " Showing Up"

Week of July 20th 

The week starts” fresh” with a new moon in Cancer on Monday and then midweek we begin the Leo solar cycle. New moons are times to plant seeds of intention and to align with new cycles of energy. During the Cancer solar cycle we have been doing some “personal rebooting” deep within ourselves. Perhaps during this last cycle (that started June 19) old wounds surfaced for you to heal and release old stories about yourself, new longings emerged to nurture into your future , or simply being more in touch with how you felt became a more normalized occurrence.  With Cancer season we work emotionally with life and our experience so that we rejuvenate the water (emotions) within us so that we are not stagnant or depleted of the wisdom our emotions bring to us..our intuition. Before we close this season, we get our 2nd new moon in Cancer. The first we experienced on the Summer Solstice with an eclipse. Since this time perhaps lots of shifts have been taking place under the surface or right in front of your eyes to accelerate moving you towards your potential.  This new moon is no less powerful than its predecessor  as it opposes retrograde Saturn in Capricorn adding a sense of seriousness and reflection and square Eris in Aries adding a dash of drama, reactivity and a proclivity to shake things up. Not to mention comet Neowise shining in the night sky illuminating the great change that is occurring in our world and the deep impact this change will have on all of us for a significant period of time.  I feel this new moon to be supporting us with a renewed sense of  power and purpose so that we can do the critical work of “showing up”. We are emerging in new ways that we need to reach what our soul desires in this life. We are tired of hiding parts of who we truly are or being inauthentic, from living a passionless life, from aiming low and holding back out of fear. We want to be free! Free to show up unencumbered, with a renewed perspective of ourselves and what can be. Instead of standing “naked & afraid” life wants us to be “naturally naked” and on stage and in the spotlight appearing exactly as we truly are. How vulnerable! How courageous! How joyful! How liberating!

This new moon and Leo cycle will ask you to answer the sentence “I will…….” and go for it. I will say how I feel. I will take a stand for what I believe in. I will vouch for myself. I will claim what I want. I will be honest with myself. You name in the lioness/lion this month and claim your role in the jungle. This work will ask us to dance in the fire of being in our hearts. We must relate to life with a felt presence. Joy is not an is a felt sense of openly participating with life. We find our hearts and our joy by feeling our way in. So this next cycle, we can build upon the Cancer season’s invitation to keep close to how we feel.  

The world needs you to  show up as you are..everyone else is taken. Do this and brace for impact as dramatic shifts will be felt in our lives as we honor our sovereignty. Living in the heart space is not for the faint of heart but we cannot truly live if we are not willing to give over our fear of hiding our essence. 

New Moon Ritual: 

Fill a glass of water. Light a candle. Have an item or image that cultivates courage or inspiration. Spritz some aromatherapy (Moon Magic is my suggestion). 

Make an intention for how you want to “Show up” this month. Complete the statement “I will… and make a vow to follow your intuition, heart and commitment to your intention this month. 

What part of your life do you want to cultivate more authenticity? More freedom to be unapologetically in your own skin? Where is life calling for you to exhibit more courage to own you? Where can you follow your heart and open to more joy?

Stand up. Visualize yourself in your life confident, joyful and full awakened to your own essence. 

**My moon magick boxes have all you need for your monthly moon cycle rituals. 

Join me at 4:30p Monday July 20th for a new moon in Cancer Yoga class!

July 12

July 13th Astrological Horoscope: "Small Steps are still Progress"

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Leo Solar Cycle Horoscope 2020: "Soulfully Showing Up"