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Full Moon in Capricorn/Lunar Eclipse "Taking our SELF Seriously"

At last the final of the three eclipses for this 6 month cycle. Eclipses mark release & entry points in the plot of our life. Nature is but a mirror of the constant cycles of creation, death and regeneration that we too experience in the threads of our lives. This lunar eclipse occurs at the south node of the moon that deals with themes of “letting go”.  With the Sun in Cancer pulling us inward towards our self-care and personal rebooting, this full moon/eclipse asks that we take our SELF seriously. Self being our entire self and our impact to our worlds both inner and outer!

We have come to a staircase in the road along our collective journey. It's time to ascend! The time has come to leave behind the old stories we tell ourselves of times of past. The time has come to stop speaking of our failures, limitations or of the difficulties we have faced in learning to honor who we are becoming. We pay respects to all the teachers disguised in these circumstances meant only to remind us of skills we embody, and strength we have forgotten, and persistence and dedication to our Truth that we must carry with us as we move up the staircase to greater freedom. All teachers must apply enough pressure so that we learn and integrate what is being taught in a way that will serve us going forward. Some information we will find helpful going forward and some was never meant to be retained. Before we  commence  up the staircase, it is important to be in honest reflection on what in the past was not working to support our continued growth and evolution. Humans are adaptable and often that is not to our favor as we learn to tolerate environments, belief systems and situations that truly need not be tolerated. We know these things as they make us feel asleep, deadened, separate and they lack the fire and zest that will keep us thriving not simply surviving.  We know these things too as they dim our hearts. All that which has pulled us away from ourselves and our deep desires and needs as individuals and collectives must be released. These may be jobs, work or life routines, health and well-being practices or absences, relationships. and group ideology and social norms. The heart can help us sort what we must personally surrender and nature and life will also remove when necessary what is no longer needed in the natural unfolding of life. With every exhalation we must let the past be in the past. We have mastered and learned what we needed.

The time is now to wipe our eyes clean and blink open to what is now present before us. We must keep our minds fresh and our eyes and ears widened to allow in new perspectives to take shape. What we need we hold within us. The way it takes shape and application will be different and new. New teachers will arrive for us and we can accept them graciously as they will help us develop new knowledge and skills to continue our growth. We need not barter our needs and desires on this new path we must simply find the creativity that exists in the co-creation into reality in sustainable forms. We need not hold power over others to gain success. No one can ever possess the keys to our success unless we give them away.  This is a time of remembering our power, not in the form of dominance but in the form of internal strength, integrity,  and magnetism. We are much more powerful to create this new path as we traverse it than we ever believed we were capable of before. We are not mere followers of the road “they” made before us but we are inventors and collaborators of the new way.  Embrace your role! We may ask ourselves, how do we do this? What do we do? We trust ourselves and what is within us and stay present. What we need is always before us right when we need it. If we cannot find what we need then we pause and collect ourselves. We clear our minds, ears and eyes and expand our view. We listen to our hearts for guidance. Its voice is soft but it always knows the way. We must spend quiet time in nature to learn to hear its voice more clearly. We nurture ourselves and tend to our personal wellbeing so that we are well equipped for this next phase. No longer do we need to push through in a depleted state. There is always plenty of time for what is necessary. When we are ready we show up and offer what we have to those around us and trust the synergy is a creative process. We are enough simply as we show up as we are... open to receive and relate to what the moment brings.  The more we embody this truth the faster we expand into our potential.  There is enough for everyone and when we act in this way we create more for our world to share. With every inhale, we breath into the new way of becoming and inhabiting the new world we rebirth together where all beings are happy and free. Love will always illuminate the way forward. Take yourself seriously as you and your wellbeing matter to the collective forces of change and liberation.

June 19

Cancer Season 2020: "Personal Rebooting" *Solstice*New Moon in Cancer*Solar Eclipse

July 12

July 13th Astrological Horoscope: "Small Steps are still Progress"