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Winter Solstice/Great Conjunction 2020: Show up! Step Up! Shake it up! Open up!

  • 1422 SE Marion St Portland, OR 97202 United States (map)

Happy Winter Solstice! What an extraordinary time to be alive! Not only does this day mark the longest night and the emergence into greater light, but today as we move into the Capricorn solar cycle we have a Saturn and Jupiter conjunction in the sign of Aquarius witnessed in the night sky! This conjunction happens every 20 years but the last time these planets were this close was 1623! They appear like a super star illuminating their radiant light for all to see. What a perfect symbol of the collective wake up call this last year has been from a long period of darkness and what an inspiring way to invite us into a new cycle of greater consciousness and awakening. The entry of these powerful planets into the air sign of Aquarius represents shifts from predictable, conditioned and structured Capricorn earth energy into unpredictable, revolutionary and freedom seeking energy to reset our whole way of perceiving ourselves and our world.

I feel the motto of this new paradigm that begins today is “Show up. Shake it up. Step it up. Open up!”

This time is calling us to break free of past limitations and our smaller mind’s perception of “ who I am, what is and what can be” and to expand, dream, and to expect the unfathomable. Old norms have been disrupted in a way that will never allow us to “go backwards”. Hooray!

May we all “Show up” by being present and aware in our lives in new ways. Open our eyes, ears, minds and hearts to interact with what life is presenting to us with curiosity and wonder. Apply the skillfulness life has taught us to each moment be it mundane or profound. Hold fiercely in our hearts our aspirations that move us to connect to our deepest authenticity and live it out courageously. When opportunity calls, show up in the ways our capacities allow without hesitation or doubt.

May we “Step it up” by continuing our own inner work to realize the Truth of who we are so that we can be accountable for the thoughts and actions that emanate from us. The work we do to uncover our unconsciousness gives us the power to consciously create from greater truth and to direct our life force with greater alignment. We don’t need to change the world or each other but we provide the greatest impact when we become one with our highest self which guides our own actions towards that which increases the light. Our only requirement then is to be truthful in each moment. Seeing and honoring the divinity within ourselves allows us to see and honor the divinity in each other.

May we be willing to “shake it up” and try new things, investigate new concepts and live differently than before. Trust the changes are for our own growth and sustainment. Nature is change and we are part of nature and thus we must also change to stay alive. We can learn, adapt and stay present when change is at play. What new opportunities may present themselves when we remain internally steady and resilient even when our world is flipped all around?

May we “open up” to unknown possibilities that our truths lead us towards that allow for our continued expansion, growth and potentiality. If our hearts and minds remain open and we are aligned in our deepest realization that “My true nature is Love and Truth” then we can move from self-realization ( I know who I truly am) to self-actualization (I act as I am…from truth, from light!). We don’t have to “know” how it all will work out as we cultivate a trust in the mysteries of the universe and the guiding light within.

These are magnificent times friends and we have each other to walk towards the light together heart and heart. From my heart to yours, I send you the love and blessings that these times illuminate from the darkness.

Join me tonight for a Solstice celebration. Light a candle, turn off the lights, and honor the emerging light in community! Find the link here

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