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New Moon in Sagittarius/Solar Eclipse: Clearing our Vision

  • 1422 SE Marion St Portland, OR 97202 United States (map)

“I release my past perceptions, stories and beliefs and free myself to expand into the Truth aligned with my soul”.

On this new moon in Sagittarius and Solar Eclipse on the south node of the moon we are called to surrender all that distorts the Truth, of who we are as a whole, divine and infinite being full of potential and possibilities. In our humanness, our mind constantly is taking in observations and experiences and cataloguing them as “good” and “bad”, “painful” and “pleasurable”, “right and “wrong” and all the boxes in between. Over time we form stories around these experiences and perceptions. We weave them together to form beliefs about how the world works and even who we are and what meaning our life has or does not have in the world. This inevitably blinds us to the true and unadulterated experiences of the moment and our truest self. It is like liken to the analogy of looking at our appearance through a dirty, broken and distorted mirror. We are not perceiving clearly. And therefore everything in which we interact with is either in alignment or misalignment with what we have taken as true. But what elements of truth might these beliefs be filtering? How has these “truths” formed the basis for the foundation of your life through your assumptions of how life works, the degree to which you hope and aspire, and the fears that you confirm? We must examine very carefully our reality or what we seek to be “real and pure” in order to know where the mirror may need to be cleaned and refined and thus what may need to be shed to give us a more accurate perception.

“Everything begins in the mind. If you want to see clearly, you need clear vision” Sri Swami Satchidananda

This may seem like a simple ask of the planets but we know that any endeavor to expose and purge something that we have reinforced into our operating system takes a great deal of effort, enthusiasm and dedication as it can be quite challenging to be made aware to the ways in which we have hidden from truth in order to “stay safe and comfortable” or to avoid the discomfort of facing the mountain of self discovery that looms before us. Jupiter in Capricorn is the ruler of this eclipse and full moon and in this placement, he confirms that the path up the mountain to discover the potential that lies within us may not be simple and easy but most certainly it is meaningful and worth the blood, sweat and tears. Jupiter wants to expand us by going deeper into wrestling with those questions “Who am I really?”, “What is the meaning of my life”, “Where do I really want to go to feel aligned with my higher calling?”..and he motivates us with faith that any effort we pour into this quest moves us forward with new depths into our soul wisdom and vision for this life even if the process shakes and rocks our very foundations. The only way to know truth is to feel and experience the freedom to explore what else lies beyond what we perceive and have believed to be true about ourselves and our world. This is how we develop clear vision..we break free of what binds us.

So where to begin? Yoga can be defined as “skiil in action” and part of yoga teachings point us not only to move our bodies so that they are more adaptable and stable, to learn to awaken the power of our breath as life force and a tool to regulate and reset our responses to life, but also to hone our minds to be able to focus on our experiences with more open awareness..learning to see again like a small child with wonder and excitement. Along this process we cultivate a practice of self-study..we learn about ourself, our perceptions, our habituated responses, beliefs and activities of our ego. Once we see and witness what is going on we have the power to make changes and to direct our energy (time, attention, resources) with awareness and intention so that life happens through us and not to us. So, I encourage us all to initiate ourselves into a daily practice of mindfulness (being present with the moment with your full experience) on this new moon. Spend time with yourself connecting to your body, your thoughts and feelings and the deeper desires. Witness and reflect on the beliefs that make up your reality. When troubling situations arise go a layer deeper and ask what do I believe about this situation, my power, my choices, this person, the outer world..and open yourself to free yourself of anything that may not be true. What else could be true if what you believed was not? What if you didn’t hold tight to that belief? My astrology teacher always says “if we don’t work on our shit, our shit works on us.” What better commitment can we make then to knowing so deeply who we really are friends? When we truly realize how powerful we are and how expansive we can really be when we open up..then a whole new world opens before us.

I will share with you my new moon commitment. I have realized recently that I feel “I never have time for what I want to do.” So I am conducting a time study this month. I will write down everything that I do and how much time it takes and also how much I enjoy it. Perhaps I need to shed some activities that truly are not working for me any longer. Maybe I need to change up my priorities. Maybe the truth is that I am not being a good steward of my resources? I blame “my busy days” but I am the creator and the conductor of these days!

Join me today for a special new moon/eclipse class at 4:30pm PST on Zoom. We will do some energetic practices to clear away the past and to open ourselves to clear and expansive vision! Details here:

I recommend my “Release” spray to support letting go of the old. “Moon Magic” is my new and full moon spray to catalyze your intentions. “Guiding Light” helps awaken your inner alignment with soul. Check these out here:

Sat Nam friends! “I am truth. Truth is my true identity.” May we all awaken to the TRUTH within that we are infinite beings capable of greater and greater capacities of joy, freedom and peace within each moment.

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