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Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio/Libra 2020: " Empowering Relational Communications"

It is that time again…Mercury retrograde! Don’t panic though as truthfully we spend half of the year getting into and our of Mercury retrograde. Instead of letting it stir unnecessary anxiety, this is a time to just give yourself some extra space to reflect and be more aware of where communication, your choices and plans could benefit from a second look. Often when we slow anything down and give it greater attention we find that some revelations that were right in front of our nose.

So where might these communication glitches show up? Well with Mercury in Scorpio and Libra..relationships will be a on center stage. We may find ourselves more easily triggered, more reactive and sensitive as emotions may run a bit more intense. So what is the best advice through this time? Stay in you own lane when you notice when you are triggered. Explore what is happening internally and respond to yourself before you point the finger. Don’t take anything anyone says or does too personally during this time. As we are all meeting up with some uncomfortable feelings and possibly some old baggage to weed through, extending some compassion to others can’t hurt. We need to develop strategies to stay in our personal power with others so we don’t have to resort to control tactics for others. How do we do this? We learn how to empower ourselves through self-care with triggers. Like, go take a walk instead of dive into an argument when we are triggered.

Another piece of wisdom during this time is to allow your emotions and mind to work as allies. When overly emotional, how can your mind help you see what you CAN do for yourself and get the wider view. When over thinking or being too focused on right or wrong, how can you return to your emotions to check in with how you are feeling and to attend to your emotions instead of getting lost in rabbit holes of thought that isolate yourself. This retrograde season wants us to find our power when we free ourselves of binding emotions or thoughts that keep us in fear. We need our mind and emotions in partnership to do this so see if you can bridge these two intelligences for more clarity and peace.

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Aries Full Moon: Moving out of Fear

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