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Scorpio Season 2020: "Transforming Fear into Power"

Halloween season is here as the Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22. This season we can “transform our fear into power”. Our emotional and mental fortitude will be challenged as the old and decaying aspects of ourselves meet with the evolutionary inner forces that want to liberate us from anything that keeps us from the truth. Fear is one large culprit. It sneaks in and tells us the lies that we all too often believe that keep us distanced from the truth as inconvenient as some truths can be. The truth always sets us free. Staying in fear keeps us in bondage to whatever we feel “may” or “may not” be and this ends up directing our actions and thoughts. Whenever we garnish the courage to face what is, we can deal with reality as it is and not as we may perceive it to be. We either sink or swim but atleast we are no longer hiding and delaying the inevitable. This is the season to up level your skillfulness for your emotional and mental self-mastery so when those strong emotions and thoughts surface your deeper wisdom and truth prevail as witness and director of your next steps.

Mercury and Mars are still in retrograde as we start Scorpio season so this time is a deep call towards inward reflection and probing into the deeper reasons why we do what we do, and the way we are perceiving our reality. Take another look and ask deeper questions before moving forward. Often we need to pause and take a step back before we can move ahead.

The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds. - R. D. Laing


We create ourselves by what we choose to notice. Once this work of self-authorship has begun, we inhabit the world we've created. We self-seal. We don't notice anything except those things that confirm what we already think about who we already are. Meditative traditions refer to the observer self. When we succeed in moving outside our normal processes of self-reference and can look upon ourselves with self-awareness, then we have a chance at changing. We break the seal. We notice something new. —Margaret Wheatley

See below for some information about how to work with the energy of the times.

All month in my classes we focus our asana on postures that seek to liberate fear and unleash creativity. We will focus on the deep core and the hips (the psoas especially). I will also be teaching practices that you can use off the mat to support your emotional and mental health and stability. Join me for class. Check out my schedule here.

Aromatherapy can be powerful allies to support emotional and mental health. My blends are formulated to work with intention and desire so that when you smell my blends you remember the power you have to create. Check below to see what seasonal recommendations will support you this season and how.Purchase my blends here.

You can purchase my blends on my “Shop” page or by visiting

You can purchase my blends on my “Shop” page or by visiting

We will be practicing these during my classes. See my “schedule” page to join on Zoom or watch recorded classes on my Youtube channel. Links to this channel on my “schedule” page.

We will be practicing these during my classes. See my “schedule” page to join on Zoom or watch recorded classes on my Youtube channel. Links to this channel on my “schedule” page.

October 13

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio/Libra 2020: " Empowering Relational Communications"

October 27

Finding our internal power and strength from an astrological lens