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Aries Full Moon: Moving out of Fear

“Move, but don’t move the way fear moves” ~Rumi

Fear is no stranger to us in these times. The global events that have been transpiring have certainly rattled our sense of security to our cores. The upcoming election breeds even more fear and uncertainty. I am sure many of us would like to crawl in a hole and wait for the dust to settle and the coast to be clear. We may find ourselves wanting to blame and point fingers, irritable, in hyper vigilant mode, trouble sleeping, feeling an overall doom and gloom or powerlessness or on the opposite spectrum we may be looking for any chance to escape and distract. Well this powerful full moon in Aries is a call to action and movement onward and forward but but not from fear rather from courageous conviction that directs us from an inward steadiness and grounded strength.

Last week we started a new solar cycle in Libra calling us to “listen to new perspectives” so that we may be in better balance and harmony internally and with each other.  In a polarized world, we must learn how to build bridges into the new world we are creating and not more fences of separation and hate. This will require us to skillfully negotiate and be open to understanding the other sides of the story in order to find intersections of mutual desires. We started the new moon in Virgo encouraging us to take the steps to integrate into our daily lives the practices and work required to build our desires into reality. What causes are you devoted to serving for yourselves and your community? What holds you back or keeps you from daily progress? Fear can be a powerful motivator or de-motivator. It can cause a “fight, flight or freeze” response. But often none of those options really serve any of us. Being in constant stress mode drains your energy and diminishes your ability to think creativity and strategically on how to act.

But what else does fear do for us? Well it can help you stake awake and alert to what is going on. It gets our attention! But when we flip fear on its other side  (employ a little Libra action) we can use fear to show us what is truly important to us and what we may have to risk to protect it. Aries often calls us to the tough choices we must face when great things are at stake. Mars (our will and motivation to  act) is retrograde right now so we need a second look at our motivations and also how we are dealing with our stress levels. Are we feeling paralyzed by stress? If so what can we do about this? What practices do we have for stress management? We are not meant to stay in fear we are meant to move. Not from the fear as Rumi advises but we are meant to weigh the options, discern the best course, and know what matters and take constructive action. Recently, for me it is the choice to deal with the stress by managing and taking action. Taking action towards being as healthy as I can by caring for my mental and emotional health. Instead of propagating fear, we can propagate inspiration for us to do all do our part by serving in the ways you can make impact whether it’s being a voice and model of change at work, at home or within yourself.

Pluto and Saturn are leaving retrograde this week and these planets have been supporting the collective destruction of our foundations and structures that cannot stand because let’s say they were built on fear and intentions that were not sustainable. These planets are now helping us build within ourselves internal means for stability that lets us weather these times with confidence and perseverance. We can’t check out or simply just panic. We must be part of the change process that promotes the world that is being created one action at a time towards greater peace, equanimity and innovation. Time to move friends…I hope you will find the ways you can move that keep you connected to your inner trust, wisdom and resilience. It matters!

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