
"What is always important is that we never try to force anything in situations where there seems at first to be no way to move. We must create space for ourselves, for the mind, whether it is through surrender, or with the aid of the breath, or approaching a teacher or friend, or paying attention to our sense - whenever there is confusion in our minds we must try to create space. Ways and means can always be found for overcoming the obstacles we meet." - Desikachar ♥

My fellow yogini, Marianne posted this on facebook a couple days ago and it really spoke to me. I speak of this often in my yoga classes when I talk about the balance in yoga of force and effort versus surrender. We often think that by more effort and force, we can get deeper in a pose or open a space in our body that feels really tight. Sometimes, we have to just let the "space" happen at its own pace and in its own way. Progress is not always made in giant leaps and bounds each time, but if true space can occur as we approach our practice with that balance of effort and surrender then we allow change to happen on many different levels and on a much deeper scale.

This is true I seem to find out in life as well. We can force outcomes but rarely the result is what we intended. Sometimes taking a pause and allowing for space is just what we need to reset and gain perspective.  Sometimes the obstacle when met without resistance seems to dissipate in unusual ways. I never seem to find that resistance and forcing of anything eliminates the problem. 

I guess the lesson in all is that space although seeming to be inconsequential can be the most powerful tool we posess. 

Quinoa, Red Pepper & Cucumber Salad with Avovado and Lime