Dissolving Differences for Unification

What crazy and unpredictable times we are living in! As I write this article I am watching snow fall out my window in mid March in Portland, OR! Snow in March…after a week of 60+ degree sun and clear skies?! I just left the grocery store, which by the way is bustling with people stocking up on supplies..empty shelved everywhere. My daughter is home from school for the rest of month. I know you get it. We are all in this..together. No matter where you live, no matter what you do for a living, no matter how much money you make, no matter your age, race, ethnicity..we are the same with this global phenomena. How truly Piscean! For the sign that loves, unification, universal love, and no boundaries..we are certainly experiencing this energy in a new way.

To be honest, I am so tired of hearing about the virus everywhere I turn and all the fear it catalyzes witnessed in the form of people pushing one another around to get the last toilet paper rolls, the gasping that happens when someone in public sneezes, the closing of borders and the means in which we gather together. There is certainly a lot to become frustrated with during this time even if it makes good practical sense to take necessary precautions.

I want to channel a message from stars that speaks to another aspect that we may want to focus on so that we don’t fill our minds and bodies with fear and anxiety. It is the message of dissolving differences for unification. We have the opportunity to see how much we are interconnected during this time and to seek solace in our collective experience. We are all more aware of the impact of this virus in other countries as well as people across our nation. This incircles a larger community for us all. We are all suffering in our own way and some way more than others. In our suffering our differences dissolve. None of us want to suffer. None of us want to be inconvenienced, scared or to lose anything be it a loved one, our health and even the sustainment of normal life. Instead of seeing someone cough and bracing yourself for the impact of their germs what if we connect to our capacity for empathy and wish them good health. When we hear and see coverage of this epidemic that we feel spreads fear and dismay what if instead we spread love to all impacted and celebrate what is healthy and vibrant within and around us. Even among this outbreak spring is emerging with colorful flowers and evidence of new life surrounds us still. When we feel fear in how this will impact our finances, our routines and stability, let us be compassionate to ourselves and all we meet who too may be feeling this same fear and take proactive measures to be healthy and financially smart, to support our friends and community in the ways we can, and to count our blessings for what is stable in this moment. For me staying as present in this moment as I can is stabilizing instead of letting myself dream up worst case scenarios. I can’t control what will happen with my future but I can plan healthy meals for myself, I can use this extra time to finish projects that need attending to, and work on what I never have time for because I am busy doing normal life. I can work with what I can control and manage right now and trust that I will have this same capacity in the future.

We truly have to “flip the script” during these times to magnify a much more powerful healing energy than fear..Love. Please show yourself lots of love during these times in the ways you can. Please show your neighbor and even the strangers you pass love through your compassion, kindness and remembrance that “You are another me, and we are all in this together. “ Even with practicing social distancing remember you can always send love through thoughts and intentions as love can travel without physical touch. Let’s spread this message of unity and love and let this bring us closer instead of fear of a virus further distancing us from each other.

To do my part in this effort I am including a meditation to play when you are experiencing the difficulties of this time. I will also be posting some yoga videos and additional articles to support all of you staying close in. I hope my gifts will allow you to feel my love to you all.


Meditation Video for Love and Compassion


Springtime Greetings