"Finding our Power & Internal Strength" from an Astrological Lens

I wanted to take some time to share some reflections of the current astrological transits that may be impacting your life. They are certainly having a presence in mine. I hope by  sharing some of this information that we can all work with the energy in order to catalyze some positive changes in our lives that will leave us feeling more connected to our internal sense of power rather than powerless in a world of disarray.

I am observing the following interplays of emotions present consistently in these times. Issues of  internal and external safety, yearning for security, feeling powerless, issues of fairness, wanting to find, change or solidify work or our means to make a living. These may be showing up in relationships where for example trust issues are surfacing where you feel there is inequality,  or where power struggles are present. These can also be witnessed in the collective events where we literally feel unsafe with our health due to Covid or we see such injustice or polarity within our political structure. You may notice these issues internally by feelings of impermanence or that nothing can be trusted or counted on. You may feel anger or outrage at how unfair life is or how certain people are being treated. You may feel that you are powerless in making change or that our current situation is hopeless. Maybe you have no idea what to do for work or how your job will fair in the long run. These themes can show up all over the place in every nook and cranny. So perhaps we can all start by acknowledging that we are all feeling an assortment of strong, uncomfortable and erratic emotions. You cry one day and scream the next. We can also acknowledge that we all respond to these emotions and situations quite differently depending on our own lens and experience. 

Let me give some brief insights into the astrology of these times which helps us understand perhaps why these themes are surfacing and how we can respond to them mindfully rather than unconsciously. Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn have been renovating (or better said demolishing structures of safety, power and security that were not sustainable because they keep us distanced from our internal source  of power and fulfillment. Checking the boxes won’t work for us long term so the forces of evolution are waking us up to where we have given our power away and where we need to reclaim our sovereignty to create and to be an active part of our lives and the effects they have on the whole. These transits are big planets that are aspecting for longer periods of time so they tend to hit the big topics like work, home, foundations of structure and stability! The recent Libra and now Scorpio solar cycles are highlighting relationships and how we need to up level our power within relationships so that we manage ourselves and not each other..think power strategy versus control tactics. Currently, Mercury and Mars (planets of communication, transportation and action/willpower) are asking us to slow down and  re-evaluate what we do and why. Your choices and what you believe about them have impact.Ensure that they support what you want to reinforce and where you want to go. 

So, how can we work with the energy of these times from a place of power and resourcefulness. I think the energy of the times would offer these suggestions:

  1.  Be clear with what you want. Now more than ever we need to be intentional with our actions. Connecting that intention to what we do day in and day out will connect us to our internal source of creative power and it helps us focus on what is most important so we can let go of what we cannot control. If you want a new job then state this and connect to this desire. If you want to feel more peaceful, honor this intention. Starting small may help. Break your day into small increments of intention. I want to have a  healthy breakfast. I want to workout to allow my body to move and feel good. I want to connect with friends...you get the idea. I also like to add, how do I want to feel? Imagine it  first!

  2. Take small steps that support your intentions in whatever way you can.  Small steps matter and they allow us to feel empowered rather than stagnant.  What can you do right now with what you have that gets you even an inch closer to what you desire? Control what you can and that is your actions and responses. Make choices that align with what you want. 

  3. Don’t let your mind get caught up in the drama and the web of chaos. These times call for  a great deal of mental fitness. If watching hours of the news only leads to more stress and anger then ask yourself if this is a productive use of your time. Where the mind goes the energy flows so feed what you want to grow with your awareness. Try to eliminate feeding worries by closing in your circle of what you are taking on mentally. Take inventory of your mental health and act in ways that support positive thinking and confidence. Ask yourself “is this helpful”?  Remember negative thinking does not prepare you any better for undesirable events and outcomes than positive and empowering thoughts. The difference is that you can feel better with the latter instead of suffering the entire time. 

  4. Admit there are things you cannot control at the same time that you admit there are things you can control like your attitude, your actions and responses and what you give your attention to. Take the pressure off taking on the world and make your world smaller by  attending to what is in your sphere. 

  5. Have a tool belt for stress management. This falls into the sphere of influence you can control. Things like meditation, yoga, exercise, healthy eating, getting enough sleep, breaks from stressful news/media/social media, being in nature, being around supportive people, learning new skills, getting support from therapists, body workers, healers and counseling as you need it. These are actions that arm you with skills to navigate life. 

  6. Deal with yourself first before you resort to blame, judgment, or attack. How are you feeling inside? What do you need? What does this situation bring up for you that is familiar?  Remember these times are triggering old wounds so often we play these out with others. Not that others are blameless but we all have wounds and once again we cannot control others but we can attend to our own pain and heal. Our individual healing contributes more than you think to the collective healing. Blaming, judging and attacking only shifts responsibility. Let’s take responsibility for ourselves. 

  7. Try to reframe situations that keep you polarized or in battle and conflict. We must all be open to creative work arounds to old patterns. When we meet polarity we are at an impasse and we must find a new path through, above or below or around.  The more curious and open minded we are, the more creative solutions can present themselves. Remember it's not  about winning. That is the old way. It is about moving forward and bringing resolution to issues that are breaking us down internally and collectively so that we can all be sustainable. How would another view this situation differently? Where is there a crossover of values or intentions? Where is their agreement? Where is their wiggle room in your view? What can you be misperceiving an issue or narrow minded?

  8. Uncover your contribution to society and be courageous enough to live it out. Hint, this lies in being absolutely truthful and honest about who you are and fearless enough to show the world despite what “they” think. What lights you up? What opens your heart?  Where do your passions lie? If you don’t know, the time is now to figure this out. We need you, and no one else is going to do you but yourself. Where is the world asking you to show up and serve? Usually  it is right  in front of us! Sometimes just in small or simple ways. “Follow your bliss” is truly always good advice by Joseph Cambell.

  9. Practice emotional hygiene and intimacy for yourself. We certainly don’t always get models for this but it is vital for our self-empowerment. When you are emotionally triggered, instead of looking for a person or situation to blame, turn inward. How do you feel? What do you need? I made a list of emotional regulation practices such as: drinking some water, movement (jumping jacks, a walk, a shake out), EFT tapping, taking 10 deep breaths, using aromatherapy (a special scent that I have tied to calming down and safety). I  try my best to practice these before I react or respond. I may need to take a time out away from the situation or person so that I can gain back emotional control before I try to resolve the situation. This allows us to develop trust that we can handle strong emotions internally and prevent projecting them onto another. Hint: that never works long term. 

10. Don’t believe everything you feel. One of my CARE (compassion-accept how you feel- release the story-ease your body) steps for dealing with strong emotions is to R-release the story.We tend to build stories around emotions as our reptilian brain stores them so that we can avoid them in the future. So when we feel a certain emotion it can be loaded with old data in effect. If you can allow the emotion to process separate from the mental drama and stories then you can upload a new relationship to the emotion. I tell myself that it is true that I feel a certain way but not necessarily true as to why. After I calm down, normally more clarity presents itself that is absent during the heat of the moment.

Hope this helps you find some serenity and direction in these times of change. We have way more power than we know..it’s time to reclaim it!


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"Zoom Fatigue" Remedies