Why should I get an astrology reading?

We are living in unprecedented times, and I think we all know this by now. Most of us can clearly admit that the trajectory that our life was on has changed and for some of us dramatically. At times nothing feels right or normal because we are now redefining those terms and experiences with each passing day. With so much in flux, how we do we find our “north star”, or how do we orient ourselves to know how to move onward and forward? Well, one way is through learning about yourself through the lens of astrology. Astrology is a tool for self-discovery and attunement to our every day lives. If you have never had your chart read, you may be surprised of the amount of information from medical, personality, relationship history, & dynamics, family dynamics and work skills that can be distilled simply by knowing where the planets were in the sky at the time of your birth. So, in a time where it seems like all we have are questions, getting a reading can be a place where you just might find some direction that empowers you to uncover the answers you seek. In this post I will highlight the top reasons I feel an astrology reading may support you right where you find yourself!

  1. Astrology can help answer the question: “What is my purpose in life?”. This is the most common question that I am asked. Most everyone would like to feel like their life has purpose. An astrological reading can uncover your soul’s desires for experiences in this lifetime that will align you with the deepest aspect of yourself. We talk about your dharma (soul purpose) as well as ideal work that complements your skills and talents and what gives you joy. We can also discuss what type of environments will allow you to grow and thrive.

  2. Astrology can help you get “unstuck”. Many people come to me feeling stuck in ruts or feeling like they don’t know which way to go. Astrology can highlight behavioral habits that keep creating the past as well as tendencies that are based in fear that may be holding you back. We can even talk about you karma (past life baggage) that may need to be released to liberate yourself. On the positive side, we also discuss your creative potential and what will let you connect to more authentic and joyful expressions of your true self (opposed to your past self). Learn where your creativity lies and find your bliss!

  3. Astrology can help you navigate relationships. Whether you have a relationship on the fritz or you are seeking love , astrology can help point you in the most promising direction keying in on your values and what you seek in an ideal partner. We also talk about what you need to receive and how to feel balanced in partnership. If you are in a relationship we can also form a relationship chart and learn about what the relationship offers each of you and how to leverage your strengths and intelligently know where the friction may be located. If love alludes you we can talk about key learnings in relationships that need to take place in this life for you to seek fulfillment relationally. We can get you into relationship preparation 101 by knowing your needs, how you will be attract your mate and also your watch outs that may draw the less than desirable lovers into your web.

  4. Astrology can help you be skillful in navigating the present. While astrology cannot necessarily predict the future in great detail, it can predict themes that will show up and ideal times to make certain decisions or windows that you will likely draw certain experiences towards you. By working with transits, astrology can make sense of what would appear to be chaos or unfair intensity by understanding the deeper themes and how to skillfully lean into your experiences with more clarity. For me, it allows me to understand my connection with the energies that we all experience. This for me brings a lot of peace within and with my environment.

  5. Astrology helps you “Know Thyself”. The one person you will be with forever is YOU. Where ever you go there you are. For me the best investments are towards my self-realization and growth because the more I know and understand myself, the more capable I am in making choices the serve the whole of me. Astrology can make known what years of experience take to glean about yourself and often by hitting a wall several times. Astrology cannot bypass the work it takes to truly make friends and peace with yourself but it can certainly help you understand your quirks, your essence and your unique gifts and talents and hey, you are worth knowing and the world needs you to show up as yourself!

I will stop at my top 5 list although there are many other reasons to cite. If you are still not sold, book a free consultation with me and we can talk about your goals and see if astrology is a fit. Note that astrology is not a religion and all religious and spiritual beliefs are welcome. Astrology is an ancient tool used for thousands of years to help us navigate unchartered waters and it still works! Hope you will explore that astrology can open for you!


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