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Lunar Eclipse in Libra-March 25: "The New Frontier"

This Monday starts our first of 2 eclipses that will occur in the next month. Join me Monday night @ 7pm over Zoom for a live event to attune to this energy.

We will have two weeks to integrate before the solar eclipse on April 8th. Some people feel the eclipse energy before the actual eclipse, on the day or after so use the next two weeks to be with your own process however it unfolds.

During eclipses the energy is shifting rapidly so open space for any misfires of energy that the Aries season can spark all too often.

Hold your conclusions lightly and be forgiving of steps that you took that felt right but now feel like missteps or wrong turns. Be tender with yourself and others on the roller coaster of emotions that may arise. We all have different ways of dealing with change and not taking anyone’s actions too personally may save your relationships.

Be aware that there can be more profound impacts on relationships, especially during Libra full moons.

Here’s everything you need to know to prepare and ride this astrological wave:

Eclipses are times of rapid change and transformation-a special time where the mysterious ways of the universe catalyze necessary shifts in our collective and individual evolution. Truth emerges in unexpected places that allows for new insights and choices.

Things can feel slippery and like the ground is shaky, stirring up our nervous systems. But these are not times to fear; rather, they allow us to open our minds to new possibilities and new ways to orient ourselves to our ever-unfolding journeys.

During this eclipse season. we are being invited into the new frontier.

We are being initiated into becoming the creators of the next level of our lives—the next level that allows for greater freedom, more autonomy in directing our path through intuitive guidance, leading to exponential joy and fulfillment in ways we've never imagined possible.

Listen to my video about what is shifting here.

We are becoming more sustainable in how we use our energy and how this new level of energy sustains & creates our world.

  • We are loosening the grip of the old ways of orienting ourselves that provided stability, rooted in what we knew and what we could physically see and touch but kept us in patterns of over-efforting to accomplish our dreams.

  • We are expanding the tools and process through which we create, so that it can be more easeful.

  • We are learning to be led by desire rather than by our mind's limited frameworks of what can be so that we can ask and receive exponentially.

  • We are discovering our power to lead our lives through the courage of our heart

This is truly profound and yet unfathomable.

Specifically, the first eclipse occurs in the full moon in Libra on Monday.

Libra offers perspective on how there are always more than one way to perceive what we are looking at when we peer through an unbiased lens.

Mirrors are powerful teachers and often the people who show up during Libra energy are providing a reflection worth investigating. We start to see where we are reflecting what we are truly expecting and in some areas of our life, the bar has been set too low. We have told ourselves the “white lies” that things are fine when our deep desires say otherwise.

We often tend to externalize what really needs to be internalized and integrated. Some people help us unearth buried feelings, truths we would rather dismiss or missing links to a more complete story. This links may just expose the gap to where we have access to expand, our new frontier!

Lunar eclipses work with the moon, so often what is being presented is bubbling from our unconscious and can bring with it emotions of the past and the old stories that come with it and hold us in fear.

In these times especially, pay attention to what you hear, what you feel, and what new perspectives may help reveal messages that will assist you in moving into your next stage in life with more balance and ease. Truly these are spaces in which more abundance wants to come through to meet our evolving desires but until we make new choices we will continue to receive the same reflections and thus the same experiences.

View everyone as messengers, and don’t shoot the messenger! They are teachers in disguise.

This is a chance to pick up those missing puzzle pieces. All pieces make the whole, so try not to put more importance or polarized interpretation (good/bad) on any one piece. In time the big picture comes into view.

An unbiased curiosity will serve us best.

What I have found very helpful is to talk about my reality (all parts of it!) with those that feel like allies in my life. I have received so much wisdom and insight lately by honestly sharing and receiving what comes back to me.

How to best navigate these next two weeks:

  • Pay attention with vigilance but not paranoia. There is a difference; one is led with focused attention and the other with fear. Fear will most likely arise, meet it with your full presence rather than dismissing it or distracting yourself. When I feel fearful, I stop, attune to myself and ask what I need. Sometimes is to stop and be present with it, and others is to ride out the fear with the practices that help me stay centered as I keep moving. I recorded a practice for working with fear to support us during these times here.

  • Stay close to the practices that keep you feeling supported, like eating well, exercising, sleeping or napping, mindfulness practices, solo time, quiet non-stimulation time outs, and spending time with supportive friends and family. Be outside as much as you can.

  • Tune down your stimulation so that you can hear your own guidance more clearly. There is a lot of static during eclipses and you don’t want to pick up extra nervous energy from the collective.

  • Get support if you are feeling these eclipses. That may look like therapy, healing work, body work, acupuncture, coaching, etc. These can be times of great healing and the healing can occur in mysterious ways. I often get a random pain, or headache, experience insomnia or fatigue. And instead of trying to identify what is "wrong", I just reach out for the support that feels best!

  • Voice record or journal to channel the random thoughts, ideas or epiphanies that might come throughout the day or in the middle of the night, inviting the space to reflect on them as the energy continues to weave into your awareness.

My friend, let's take some deep breaths together and take it one moment at a time.

There is magic in each moment in simply allowing ourselves to be present to the new frontier that we are creating with each breathe, thought and step.

While it may feel like a whirlwind of randomized chaos, it is truly a work of art. You are designing your next stage of genius living.

Good thing we are in this together!

I will write more about the solar eclipse as we approach it, so stay tuned!

March 20

Astrology of the Times Video 3.20.24

April 11

Astrology Reflection 4.1.24