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New Moon in Aquarius

  • 7780 SE 21st Ave Unit A Portland, OR 97202 United States (map)

“Freedom from the norm” has always been my mantra for Aquarius season. Freedom. What a loaded word really. I think we would all collectively cite that we love, want more and cherish our freedom. And, most likely we all define freedom slightly differently for ourselves For me freedom is being untethered from an identity, forms of expression, people’s expectations and needs and anything other than my direct choosing in the moment. Freedom is being in that blank state where we know and witness our power to choose from our knowing. Even if we use our freedom of choice to choose something that we do not really want or desire, we atleast understood that we have the autonomy to choose. Wow, that is really fucking scary and life altering when we understand the real meaning of that Truth.

I’ve believed many times that I wasn’t free to choose, especially in circumstances when maybe I didn’t really enjoy my current work or I felt stuck in a relationship, or I was doing adulting tasks I don’t enjoy (taxes to name one on the mind). I would say to myself “I don’t have a choice. I have to pay the bills!” or something similar. In all honestly, that is not a true statement. Yes, bills do need paying but I can also choose not to pay them (yes consequences follow). I can choose not to do that work and find other work and yes that may not be convenient, logical or easy but I truly can make that choice. Within the noise of the world’s voices of shoulds and should nots, the unconscious entanglements we find ourselves within, we truly are guiding our own path with each action, decision and thought. The distinction is are we doing so from the power and direct knowing or from routine, habits and external drivers. Aquarius opens us to the freedom of bucking the status quo and into spaciousness of our freedom.

There is nothing innately wrong with status quo if you feel fulfilled, happy and like you are living your best life. But what happens when all those long hours in pursuit of ______ just are not sustainable because they are draining the life out of you? Sustainment becomes impossiible if you want to continue. What happens when those dreams and deep desires of what could be get so loud that you can’t push them down or away and the restlessness pervades you. Sustainment becomes harder and harder.

With owning our freedom comes change and dancing in the unknown. When we dance with what we could be and how we could live we realize that what we are doing now won’t get us there. It will simply yield more of the same. We must innovate and shift what we do, how we think and who we interact with. I return to “freedom from the norm”. Doing new things is scary but if you feel into it more consciously it can be many other emotional states too…exciting, stirring, surprising. And it is amazing that when we change, the things around us change!

So, on Friday, February 9th the new moon in Aquarius wants to invite you into the powerful creative spaces of your freedom frontier…what lies beyond your beyond? What is stirring you to shake up?

Here are some ideas to work with this energy this month:

  • Take a block of time each day to invite in quiet space. Create “No thing” space (no phones, music, people, activity). See what is there when you quiet the noise. Even 5 minutes counts!

  • Record a time study of all your daily activities and how long you spend on them. What do you learn about where your energy is going? Does it align with your values? Will it get you where you want to go?

  • Make a list of activities, people, tasks that you say “Yes” to that you need to say “No” to that are energy sucks, drains and don’t feel like they are moving you towards what counts. Try saying no to one of them this month.

  • Make a list of what you need to say “yes” to because it will allow you to take a step in a positive direction. Try one of them this month.

  • Look at an area in your life you feel you are not “free”. Try to discover choices you do have and can make. Rewrite the script around this issue. Even if you change nothing. Decide that you are choosing this for right now.

  • Start a “think tank” for ideas and dreams. I use the notes on my iphone. I drop in ideas from time to time and just capture them. Then I look at them from time to time and just let my creative mind play with them.

  • Do one new thing each day. Drive somewhere using an alternative route. Try a new exercise activity. Meet a new person. Read a new book.

I love the work of Benjamin Hardy, and he says that in order to reach your future self-your most expanded version, you have to change or eliminate 80% of what you are currently doing and find the 20% really impactful actions that will get you there. Because the majority of what we are doing is only sustaining what and who we are. Wow!

Remember creativity needs space so if you are ready for innovation…make some space for it to come in!

Cheers to greater freedom from the norm in Aquarius season!

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