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Spring into Aries Season to "Tend your Light"

  • 1422 SE Marion St Portland, OR 97202 United States (map)

Happy Equinox and entry into the spring season of Aries. As we enter the season of more light, blossoming flowers, and new growth all around we too enter a period for a fresh start. Aries season is the beginning of the astrological new year (different than the Chinese new year and our calendar new year). What is unfurling had to make it through the darkness, the cold and the dead of winter. That old energy is ready to yield into new growth and opportunity. What was germinating under the surface is now ready to come to the light. Intense desire, strong will power, and a courageous spirit is activated to super cede the inertia before to awaken our inner warriors to action. Like a spark to a match, we must be ready to act, to cut away what holds us down and into the ground and follow our luminous passions in our belly into the unknown. Although the details often not yet fully unveiled, if we can tend to our light it will reveal the path into discovery of what lies on the leading edge of our lives.

How do we ‘tend our light’?

In astrology our “fire” is our passion, our creative expression, our impulse to act, what we are willing to “fight for”, the zest for living that pushes us forward. We connect to fire through the Aries archetype through fighting those battles worth fighting for because it is who we are and what we desire on the deepest levels. Aries is called the “warrior” for just that reason. What are the battles worth fighting for? Well, what within you stirs your interest, your drive, and your willpower to look fear and the eyes and act anyway? For some of us this is a drive to create change in our communities and world and we are willing to promote causes, organizations and platforms that we feel embody what we want to create. We march for these causes, we volunteer, we teach & serve others, we do our part and that feeds a hunger that we cannot explain. Perhaps your battles are more internal like being willing to fight the programming of “fitting in” or “doing it like everyone else” to be yourself. Maybe it is standing up for your needs in a relationship or starting a new job to follow your heart. These battles don’t have to be bloody or on a battlefield but they do require us to muster courage and action together at the same time.

Tips to connect to your light

  • Be in touch with desires-strong impulses to do something (like hunger calls us to eat)

  • Be in touch with what stirs your anger (this usually touches on a value that we want to protect and must defend)

  • Who inspires you? Why? How does this apply to you?

  • Actions that take courage-repeat-find your warrior spirit

  • Cutting away people, situations, choices that make you feel “dim” inside or that compromise who you are

  • Maintaining good boundaries so that we can honor our needs and desires-reducing a tendency to compromise at our expense too costly to our soul

Watch-outs for Aries season

With every archetype there is a shadow zone, where we ride the energy into zones that are less than productive. For Aries this shadow zone is aggression, addiction, unproductive or misplaced anger, and selfishness action that is at the expense of others wellbeing. Often we when cannot connect to our true desires or if we can’t face our fears then we end up taking that same energy and acting aggressively (being a bully to feel powerful at the expense of another) or forming an addiction to satiate the hunger that stirs us. Anger is not a negative emotion. Angers shows us where boundaries have been crossed and that something valuable is at stake. When we are disconnected to our values then the anger turns into blame, vitriole and gets displaced into the wrong forms. We can even turn on ourselves much less others. We can get so hyper focused on our needs and wants that we think that we have to use and abuse others to get our way instead of finding creative pathways. Watch your anger and learn a bit from it. If you tend to be tunnel vision with roadblocks then use another perspective to see where you might be your own roadblock and where a creative way through exists.

One other side effect of too much fire is adrenal fatigue or stress. Action is Aries tool but not all actions are created equal and too much stress is not the same as productive stress that forces a decision or action. Take care of yourself during Aries season and don’t forget even warriors need sleep, some peace and quiet and to chillax. You may watch out for too much adrenaline and anything that keeps your nervous system activated for extended periods of time. Like maybe not that 5th cup of coffee…water instead?

Support for Aries Season

My blend “Courage” will connect you to that inner warrior spirit. Spray this with intention and use it when you are dancing with those old fears that rear their heads when we get ready to act. I also have an oil blend “Agni” to stoke not only your digestive fire but your zest and creativity. If you are feeling that stress and fatigue then “Sattva” will balance you out!

Purchase these on my “shop”.

Get an astrology reading to learn about what is on the horizon for your life. What desires must be fed and how can you take that next step. Book a free consult on my website to learn more.

Spring Equinox Ceremony

Do this outside if you can! Create sacred space by lighting a candle, some incense or using some aromatherapy. Take a couple deep breaths and center yourself. Imagine a flame inside your belly. Imagine it growing in size and warmth so that it fills up your whole center region. Allow the fire to illuminate your heart and the pathway all the way to your head. Feel the luminosity extending all around you filling the space around you. Ask the light to reveal anything that wants to come to the light. See what comes. What stirs you into action? What is one step you can take to honor your light? Give yourself few minutes to listen. Then stretch your arms overhead and take a deep breath and circle your arms out to the side on your outbreath and imagine that light inspiring your path. Spend some time in nature if you can and write down anything that comes to you..even small nudges.

Sending love and light to all!

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