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Mercury retrograde in Aquarius 2021: Progressive Pausing

  • 1422 SE Marion St Portland, OR 97202 United States (map)

It’s that time again..Mercury retrograde. This season the planet of all things communication, learning, technology and asking for a pause and a second look. Mercury retrograde times are not a time to panic and dread but rather rich periods for deep reflection. This is an opportunity to slow down, take our time, and to give extra space before commencing new choices, plans, commitments, partnerships and even evaluating our current ones. Why? To ensure they feel relevant and in alignment with who you are now and who you want to be in your future. Aquarius beckons us towards our aspirations that will move us forward towards progression and reminds us that as a community we must be sustainable in how we build our future. Are there areas of your life that don’t make space for the expansive view you wish to create for yourself? Are there areas of your life that feel stuck or out of sync with the changing times or your evolving understanding of who you are now? These are areas to dig into during this three week period ending February 20th.

Where will this affect me?

Mercury will station retrograde at 26 degrees Aquarius and roll back to 11 degrees until it stations direct. Find this placement in your natal chart so see what area of life may calling for some shake ups. If you do not have access to your natal chart, send me an email and I will send you one and let you know where this retrograde period will surface in your life! in the mean time you can look for the life’s signs..look for areas in which you may be feeling a little out of sorts, where disruption may be occurring outside of your control. Investigate areas in your life in which you wish you could “break free” or that feel a bit confined or not sustainable. Maybe it is taking too much of your time without the pay off? Is it void of joy or a feeling of collaboration? Do you feel like you cannot bring your authenticity or be yourself in any places in your life? Where do you dream and want to expand your definition of possibilities? What topics do you feel like talking about? Aquarius is an air sign so we want to talk it out and share our views.

How will this affect me?

Mercury retrograde times may feel like old things come up again that you felt were finished. You may feel like you are “back peddling”. That is ok. Sometimes the way forward is to take a step back and re-evaluate your path! Often times we feel foggy or unclear. With the erratic Aquarian energy we may feel energized but not know how to expend our energy leaving us overstimulated or ungrounded. We also may have revelations or creative inspirations come through out of the blue. Sudden changes or shifts may happen in our environments. You may be privy to a more unique perception.

How can I work with this cycle?:

-Slow down and take opportunities to dig a little deeper as to why you are doing what you are doing and how it feels? Do your plans, decisions, commitments, alliances feel spacious? Do you have room to expand?

-Give yourself space to not know or to experiment with new options

-Talk it out, write it out, express all the options, listen, and learn from who and what is around you, what are they reflecting back to you?

-Be intentional with your speech and remember the power of your words..use them to empower you rather than defeat yourself

-Re-read emails and communications, take extra time before responding, take a deep breath before speaking.

-Focus on speaking the Truth from your HEART (do you speak to yourself and others with care and compassion and are you in integrity with what you are communicating?)

Prayer for Sacred Pause

“Goddess of the sacred pause please grant me the courage to lay aside swiftness and take up slowness, to embrace limitations as learning, silence as stabilizing, waiting as worthy, and sitting as divine. Goddess of the sacred pause help me to know stillness as strength, patience as powerful, and healing time as holy necessity”

-Molly Remer

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