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New Moon in Scorpio- "Don't be scared of the dark"

  • 1422 SE Marion St Portland, OR 97202 United States (map)

Just as we round out our last week of Scorpio season where we are “transforming fear into power” we begin a new lunar cycle with a new moon in Scorpio on Saturday evening… just after Friday the 13th! This new moon is trine Neptune in Pisces for perhaps a dreamy, foggy, yet mystical vibe to blend with an emotionally intense moon that calls us deep within to explore the spooky waters of our fears. Scorpio is no stranger with deep and intense and there has been no shortage of these circumstances of late. With so much big energy shifting around us it can feel like walking around in the dark. Where is the light? Where is the doorway out of “this”? Well, this new moon will ask us to avoid being paralyzed by the fog of not knowing. Rather the scorpio moon will call us inward to explore the emotional landscape that we find ourselves in for clues of truth. When we don’t run away from the emotions our experiences are confronting us with, what do we find? It is in these moments that we have the power to break free from the trap of fear and emerge the eagle transformed and free to move beyond false perception and into greater depths of our truth and self-mastery. A place where we aren’t scared of the darkness of our fears and what is painful because we know how to feel through them to the other side. When we perceive what we are hiding from we don’t need to fear it because we know what it is, snake in the corner or coiled piece of rope masked as a snake.

Transformation is not a game for thrill yet forces beyond our control will lure us into this process to reveal places that have decayed and are no longer living. This is why themes of death, destruction and the past show up during these times. We are not a culture that takes to the death cycle with much comfort and grace, yet it is natural process in the cycle of life. So at times we deny or avoid the timely ending of anything be it a relationship, a job, a person or even a pattern. Yet this letting go allows for necessary rebirth and renewal. Loss begets growth. We can withhold a lot of our power in resistance and avoidance of the truth of these cycles within ourselves. Scorpio tears down our barriers to what is necessary for us to gain access to our power to create and thus continue to grow. When this happens deep emotions arise as we are met with the growing pains of this process. The choice becomes to bury them and continue to let the fear of knowing what is there control us or dive in and let the process of feeling free us from the tether to our fears.

So on this new moon, take inventory where fear to change is surfacing or where/when deep emotions surface that make you want to stuff them down to avoid them. Can you instead lean into these feelings and like walking around a dark room try to find the edges and contours of the experience. Name the fear and what it tells you. What is true and what is fear’s projections? Where is there an opportunity for growth by walking through the fear into the unknown? Don’t be afraid of the dark..magic lies in places where we cannot see… only perceive.


In a dark room, set up an alter with a candle, incense/sage stick/aromatherapy spray (Recommend my “Moon Magic”), a bowl of water, flower/crystal/item from nature (highly recommend black obsidian, black tourmaline). Take a few moments to tune inward with deep breaths and open mouth sigh exhales. Imagine an “emotional probe” reaching deep within to attune to your emotions. Ask yourself where is fear arising? Where have strong emotions shown up? Where do you feel it in your body? What does the fear want you to do or stop you from doing? Place a hand on your heart and imagine a light in your heart perceiving the truth of this situation. In your power what do you desire? What would you create? Make an intention to make one step out of the fear. Drink your bowl of water and ask that it cleanse the past and renew you to see past the fear and into the the truth.

You can purchase my “Moon Magick Kit” or my “Moon Magic” aromatherapy spray here.

Join me for a new moon virtual yoga class Saturday at 9am on Zoom. Link here.

October 27

Finding our internal power and strength from an astrological lens

November 27

Sagittarius Season: "Expanding your Capacity for Resilience"